2015年本校舉辦「探索星爍多元世界村」,以「多元文化」及「水資源」兩大專題在國際教育活動中深度探索,推動與新加坡星爍小學(Innova Primary School, Singapore)的國際交流互訪活動,並透過校內分享使國際教育的層面能廣及全校師生。
DHPS conducted the exchange program with Innova Primary School, Singapore, in 2015. The exchange program focuses on Multiculturalism and Water Recycling in different countries.
The students that would be visiting Innova Primary school later in the year received Innova’s cultural delegation in the beginning of June. Innova and DHPS students together participated in The World Café Forum, for students to share their cultural backgrounds, and field trips to QING YANG organic garden and Shokuiku class at Dong Hwa University. During The World Café Forum, DHPS students not only learned Singapore’s ethnic diversity via questionnaires and discussions, but also introduced and shared Taiwanese cultures to Innova students.
Qing Yang Organic Garden features its eco-friendly plantation and natural aquatic habitats to various species of bugs; it is a research center for environmental biology. In the Qing Yang Organic Garden, not only were we guided expertly by the owner of the garden, but also learned to recognize many life forms we encountered.
Shokuiku Class was first established in Dong Hwa University. It features lecturing in four different places: classroom, garden, kitchen and field trips. The full semester curriculum highlights the importance of organic farming, food safety, food footprints, food miles and energy conservation. During our Shokuiku Class, the students went into the crop fields to observe existing organisms; at the end of the class, the kitchen provided rice pizzas along with organic toppings and spices.
Calligraphy class taught by teacher Mr. Jiang
Owner of Qing Yang Organic Garden showing us the plantation